Federal student loans can be discharged if you are totally and permanently disabled. And you can do it without filing for bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, getting the U.S. Department of Education to approve your discharge request isn’t always so simple. The procedure can be complicated, and it’s easy to make a mistake that can cost you thousands of dollars.

On today’s episode we unveil our Ultimate Guide to Discharging Federal Student Loans Due to Total and Permanent Disability. This audio guide, the first of a series, gives you the step-by-step instructions you need to understand your rights, apply for discharge of your federal student loans under total and permanent disability, and get it done right the first time.

Here are some resources for you in PDF format:

If you’re submitting your TPD application on your own you may mail it, along with any supporting documentation, to following address:

U.S. Department of Education
P.O. Box 87130
Lincoln, NE 68501-7130

You can call Nelnet seven days a week at 888.303.7818 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern) with questions about your application.

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